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Wellness Exams

eyecheckAt the Animal Care Center we believe all pets can benefit from annual wellness visits. Visits to your veterinarian with your pet once a year or more give your pet the best chance for a long happy, healthy life. Animals age faster than humans do, so your pet's health can change quickly in a short amount of time. Since animals cannot tell us how they ar feeling, we must rely on a complete physical to get an accurate picture of their health. Individual recommendations for further care will be made based on the results of your pet's exam. Pets are living longer and better than ever, and preventative health care is the key.

What does a wellness visit include?

Your pet will be weighed, weight gain or losses can give our doctor insight about problems that may exist for your pet. If your pet has lost weight, this could be an indicator of intestinal parasitism or metabolic disease such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism (cats), kidney and liver disease. Weight gain can be a sign of hypothyroidism (dogs) or obesity (predisposing your pet to pancreatitis, mobility problems and diabetes). The veterinary technician will ask about your observations of your pet's health and behavior, along with questions about your pet's diet, exercise routines. Your pet will be examined for intestinal parasites that can cause illness. Our veterinary technician or assistant may discuss with you other issues that can affect your pet's health such as heartworm disease, flea infestation and other common problems seen in our clinic. Vaccinations can be updated and any necessary testing can also be performed.

Our doctors will perform a physical examination from head to toe. We utilize an exam checklist to assist our evaluation and to insure consistency during our exams. Starting at your pet’s head, we will look at eyes, ears, nose and mouth.Ear infections are often the only sign noted with allergies in pets. Ear mites are common in cats. Eye examinations often reveal health issues such as anemia, infections, glaucoma, cataracts, jaundice, kidney problems and allergies. Examining your pet's mouth can reveal signs of anemia, dehydration, dental tarter build up and gum disease. Dental disease is not only painful for your pet, but also can lead to infection of heart, liver and kidney's leading to diseases in these organs.

Our Doctors will listen to your pet's heart and lungs, listening for any signs of heart and respiratory disease.

Your pet's skin is the largest organ of his body. Skin problems can be an indication of disease such as Cushing's disease, hypothyroidism, auto-immune diseases, allergies, and parasitism from fleas and ticks. As a pet ages, warts, tumors and cysts are common and may be troublesome to your pet.

Our Doctors will check palpate your pet's joints and ask questions your observations of your pet's overall mobility. A brief neurological exam is done by watching your dog as he moves and places his limbs and orients his body in relation to his examination.

Based on our doctors physical observations and your input, recommendations can be presented to you so that you can make the best decisions about your pet's health. Routine blood work, heartworm testing, thyroid testing, urinanalysis may be recommended based on your pet's age, general health and unique health issues that your pet may already exhibit.

Vaccinations are one of the most important preventive measures you can take for your pets health. Disease such as distemper, parvo, leptospirosis, parainfluenza, lyme disease, rabies and kennel cough can be prevented by vaccinations. In cats, diseases such as Panleukopenia, rabies, feline rhinotrachetitis, calicivirus, chlamydia, and feline leukemia are the most preventable diseases.